Warsaw >> MAP

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17th Sep, 2004 18th Sep, 2004 18th Sep, 2004
A problem happened at first. The midnight coach from Liverpool to Heathrow was delayed for 2 hours! While I was waiting for it, a drunken man with bloddy knuckle talked to me. He just got out of prison and now in prevention, he said. It was scarey but fortunately he didn't intend to hurt me. Then, I enjoyed the conversation with him all the time. After all, I missed my fright... it made me so nervous but I could catch the next fright and manage to arrive in Warsaw and meet with a friend of mine. Beautiful buildings and fabulous food! However, all buildings looked new which implied the dark history of Poland. The sunset from a tower was amazing! I love sunset wherever I visit even a massive city like Tokyo. Warsaw seemed to be quite small thought it's capital. Few tall buildings and horizon. The tower we got up was built by Soviet so the Polish dislike it, a guidebook said. I could see the dark history here and there behind the beautiful scenery.
18th Sep, 2004 19th Sep, 2004 19th Sep, 2004
Night change the street dramatically, surely in Warsaw. The lighten up buildings were worth seeing. Another important thing on trip is food, of course. The Polish dishes were superb, especially soup. A soup I ate looked vivid red and it kept me back from eating at first. But I found the taste was delicious. You can hardly imagine the taste from its look. A piano concert was held outside on Sunday. Obviously, the programme was all Chopin. It was really nice to listen to the music on grass in a beautiful park. A lot of people came around the piano and seemed to enjoy the warm and bright weather. I could find flowers all the time when I walked streets. Orange flowers decorated beside terrace was my favorite. There were also quite a lot flowers on the street, some of which were sold. People drunk beer at a square surrounded by colorful buildings and so did we. Happy time!

Thanks and good-bye Poland.

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