Dresden >> MAP

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27th Dec, 2004 26th Dec, 2004 26th Dec, 2004
When the train reached Dresden, I was astonished by the less colour view. One of the largest cities in eastern Germany looked gloomy without cheerful atmosphere. There might still exists the Wall between West and East. On the other hand, the historic town was superb. This is the Procession of Princes, or Furstenzag. There's a 100 meter long wall painting. It's just great! Whole area of the old city is full of fabulous architectures. Besides, Zwinger has a fine museum, Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister where lots of classic paintings are collected.
26th Dec, 2004 27th Dec, 2004
It is worth looking the old city at night. Besides the river Elbe, it's like a world in a fairy tale. As this place seemed not to be too popular among tourists, it was quiet enough to enjoy the view. The train which should bring us to Prague is about to start. The station is under reconstruction as well as most of the part in Dresden. I suppose, the city will change dramatically in a few years.

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