Brussels >> MAP

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6th Apr, 2004 6th Apr, 2004 8th Apr, 2004
'Gland Place' was pretty mind-blowing. That was the first time for me to visit European city and I was so impressed that my mouth was fully opened. The square surrounded by beautiful buildings brought me the world several centuries ago. I think water in a city makes it more attractive. Actually, it worked in Brussels. A pond made beside a very old church gave me a cool feeling and comfortable humidity. The sound of the fountains also decorated the atmosphere. There was a huge road covered by paving stones in front of the royal palace. I could see it on the way to EU-Japan center which located in a business street.
9th Apr, 2004
You can see churches everywhere in Europe and each of them is very beautiful. I visited St. Michel Cathedral which was marvellous as an architecture. A choir had a rehearsal in it and the clear voice spread across the church.

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