Berlin >> MAP

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24th Dec, 2004 24th Dec, 2004 24th Dec, 2004
It seemed as if nobody was walking on streets in Berlin on Christmas Eve, even though the illuminations were fascinating. You can hardly imagine the deserted view in Tokyo. In a train as well. No one could be seen in our carriage except for us. It was really true that people in Europe stay at home over Chrstmas. A Chinese restaurant was almost the only one that was opened at the time. Like the Atomic Bom Dome in Hiroshima, the Kaiser Wilhelm Gadachtnis Kirche standed at the heart of the city near Zoo station, painfully destroyed.
25th Dec, 2004 25th Dec, 2004 25th Dec, 2004
On the way to the Checkpoint Charlie from the Pergamon Museum, the Berlin dome was situated with its beautiful shape. There're lots of thing worth looking around this area such as the Gendarmen Market. Next to the Checkpoint Charlie, there're dozens of the crosses for the people who died in escaping from the East. I can hardly believe that the turning point has happened in my life time. Surprisingly, I met friends of mine who had learnt English together in Bournemouth at Haus am Checkpoint Carlie. What a coincidence! After enjoying a glass of beer and a great deal of potato dishes at a family atmosphere restaurant, we had a look of the Brandenburger Tor. A man was playing the jazz guitar at the freezing night. Listeing to it for a while, I felt my happiness spending Christmas Day in Europe.

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