Barcelona >> MAP

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29th Dec, 2004 29th Dec, 2004 29th Dec, 2004
Hardly did the plane land in Barcelona before I fancy the city. The Guel Park which we visited at first was terrific. You'd never be bored staying there in a whole day. The magic is that the objects including a couple of fantastic architectures look different by the angle where you see. There're also lots of famous smashed tile works. Just looking the tile arts is really enjoyable as they are all different. Gaudi's works seem to be always entertainment. He defenitely had a mind to make people cheerful looking his objects. The view from the Guel Park was also amazing. You'd be able to see the Mediterranean Sea over the city. I've never ever seen a park like this.
30th Dec, 2004 30th Dec, 2004 31st Dec, 2004
This cathedral is just extraordinary and of course wonderful. Gaudi's most famous work, Sagrada familia was full of amazement. The photo is my favorite. I really like the ensemble between the stained glass and the enigmatic ceiling. Apart from the famous architectures in Barcelona, there're a lot of fascinating buildings at every conrer of a street, so I think, waliking is the best way to tour this city. More importantly, the food is fascinating. At first glance, the colour stimulated my appetite. Then tasted them, I couldn't stop taking another. Pleasantly, they have plenty of seafood on their dishes. It's really nice especially for a typical Japanese like me.
30th Dec, 2004 30th Dec, 2004 31st Dec, 2004
This is another impressive place to see. A concert hall called the Palau de la Musica Catalana is very unique with the massive glass around the hall. I really like the idea to take natural light into the hall so that it looks different every time. A Gaudi's work, Casa Batllo. This building attracts a lot of attention along an ordinary street. Next to this gorgeous work, there's another fine building by Puig i Cadafalch who worked almost at the same time with Gaudi. A lamp inside was very impressive for me. It was a right decision to come to Barcelona in winter. Unlike the East European countries we had travelled, it was nice warm and bright. The city becomes one of my favorites in the world through this trip.

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