Chemical Engineering

> Introduction [ 1 / 2 ]

There is no doubt that a vital step for chemical engineering is 'accounting' in terms of material and energy.

This is the most simple rule and the most important as well, which can be said that material and energy do never ever vanish or break out. Everyone knows this common principle, but does everyone regard it constantly? I am afraid, you could forget it if your attention concentrate on a specific field.

Firstly, you have to discuss a 'system' when you want to 'account' material and energy. Chemical plants are basically complicated as many processes congregate together, so the first thing you have to do is to limit an area as a system in order to make it simple. In figure 1, the blue line labelled 'System 1' shows the balance for the whole process whilst the red line, 'System 2' enloses just the conversion reactor. Apparently, the accounting for system 2 is easier than that of system 1. Therefore, the procedure should start from each unit like system 2 and put them together afterwards.
( 8th Oct 2004 )

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